Wireline work generates a torrent of valuable trace datasets, including CCL, line speed, line tension, measured depth, elapsed time, current, and voltage. However, completions teams must visit the wireline logger after a run is complete and manually download the data in order to assess whether or not work was up to standard operating procedure or understand why something went wrong. Finally, they then perform a look-back analysis in a spreadsheet back in the office. In the meantime, the crew has moved on to another couple of stages, making the problem of finding and resolving any wireline issues a moving target.
Corva delivers real-time analytics and alerts to manage by exception, giving you timely access to traces, wireline speed, and the tools to leverage this data to verify plug placement and avoid costly mistakes like pre-setting plugs or pumping off guns. Let's explore just a few of these tools.
Wireline Times
The Wireline Times app displays the total time spent in wireline operations for each zone. Teams have the option to view the x-axis by stage number or by MD. Offset wells can also be added for quick visual comparison.
A Permian operator deployed Corva’s Activity Detection and Wireline Times apps, which enabled the completions team to automatically track when plug and perf work was being performed and identify any problem areas. Leveraging these insights from Corva, the completions team optimized wireline times resulting in over 6 hours of time savings per well. You can read the full case study here.
Wireline Traces
Corva’s Wireline Traces app provides a look-back analysis for time-based wireline data or a real-time view of stages with live updates for when the wireline BHA is running in hole, pulling out of hole, and also when the BHA is static or perforating.
Equipped with the Wireline Traces app, completions teams can rapidly answer important questions, including:
- Are perforation and plug placement consistent with planned locations for each stage?
- Are current operations following the planned procedure?
- Are operations within the set parameter guidelines for items such as speed and line tension?
A Haynesville operator used the Wireline Traces app to rapidly identify the root cause of pumped-off guns that required an expensive fishing job. This operator now uses Corva’s Wireline Traces app in real-time to detect these potential trends as well as proactively prevent similar issues and related costs.
Wireline Alerts
Corva's alerts engine empowers your team to easily monitor wireline operations without the need to continuously track every plug and perf. Keep wireline running smoothly and know instantly when speed or tension exceeds operating standards with a push notification inside the Corva mobile app, e-mail, or a text message.
With Corva, there’s no need to split your attention between multiple ongoing operations. Get notified immediately when a wireline run or frac stage is completed and receive an end-of-stage report detailing treatment, plug placement, and more.
With nearly 50 completions-specific apps, Corva gives you even more ways to improve frac and wireline performance, identify hazards, and monitor more operations simultaneously.