Operators pay upwards of $100,000 a day on hydraulic fracturing and wireline operations. That comes out to be around $70 a minute, and across oil and gas operations, literally “every minute counts”.
Getting the frac job done sooner rather than later is the goal when it comes to field spending but operational challenges can get in the way nonetheless. Besides lengthy swap over times and expected nonproductive time, nothing slows down completions like a screenout and pumped-off guns or pre-set plugs. Actual rock conditions versus what was expected can also drag operations out.
For operators looking to pump more stages in a day, check out these three featured solutions that are supporting our customers today:
Marry Treatments to the Rock with TVD vs. MD
Corva’s TVD vs. MD app provides a quick view of lithology pre-treatment with real-time analysis of pressure anomalies during and post-treatment, showing a combined view of stage material totals, pressures, TVD, gamma ray, and MSE. Leveraging drilling data captured in Corva and TVD vs. MD, a Permian operator identified three planned stages that would need to be pumped outside the planned target formation and into a tighter zone, enabling adjustments to be made to the FR set points and pump schedules to avoid a potential screenout and almost two days of frac fleet NPT.
Avoid Fishing Jobs with Wireline Traces
Corva’s Wireline Traces app provides a lookback analysis for time-based wireline data or a real-time view of stages with live updates for when the wireline BHA is running in hole, pulling out of hole, and when the BHA is static or perforating. A Haynesville operator used the Wireline Traces app to rapidly identify the root cause of pumped-off guns that required an expensive fishing job. This operator now uses Corva’s Wireline Traces app and our Alerts engine in real-time to detect these potential trends while proactively preventing similar issues and related costs.
Pressure & Chemical Trend Alerts
With a hundred or more data channels on a spread, trying to identify pressure anomalies, hazardous inter-well pressure communication, and chemical trends can be like drinking from a fire hose. Manage by exception and bring your team into the loop at the right time with Corva’s automated alerts and algorithms that sift completions data for leading indicators of screenouts, frac hits, and treatment concentration drifting out of trend.
With nearly 50 completions apps to choose from, Corva gives you just as many ways to optimize performance and crew operations across the spread!